Monday 17 November 2014

Using blog more....

Hey guys! So yes i dnt post much but i would like to. Im gonna try and be posting much much more, as i think using my blog will be usefull to catch you all up as i get asked alot of ?s! The thing is my life is very boring so i rarley find things to post. LMAO! So maybe for this post ill tell you abit about myself if you dnt me already.(:

1My name in real is Lily
2.My bff and net sister is 1Directoner435756
3.Another one of my bff and net sisters is katniss is the best!!!
4.My msp is iwishiwaskatieperry
5.My imvu is lilylosher
6.My wifey is whitegoldwolf
7.If you wanna talk to me msg me on msp,imvu or g+
8.Im an angeling
9.Ik caswell8 and gracedee1234 irl
10.I love fall out boy. 
12.That wasnt really a fact i just love that saying lol
13.If your gonna hate on me then hate ahead see if i care
14.I dont care what anyone thinks of me! I dont care if YOU think im an idiot!
15.My yt is lilylosher

There just some random facts really!

Ta ta xDD